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The Institute of Inventics, after a break due to the coronavirus pandemic, is returning to its main activity of promoting robotics at all levels of education. It has organized another edition of the Polish Robot Championship, which will be held on June the 19th in Legnica. One of the Poland's largest industrial concerns, KGHM S.A., is a partner in this endeavor. During the contest, elementary and high school students from all over the country will compete against each other.
Prime Minister of Poland, Mr. Mateusz Morawiecki has assumed honorary patronage of the Polish Robot Championship - certificate and poster of the event below.

II Polish Robot Chamiponship starts in:

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Prof. Piotr Wrzecioniarz of Institute of Inventics and owner of People Media Factory India on the town square in Wrocław.

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After a covid break, the Institute of Inventics is resuming its activities in the area of virtual reality. The People Media Factory crew visited Warsaw, Krakow and Wroclaw from 23-29.08. At the end, the Lower Silesia area was chosen for the new film production. Below the photo of representatives of People Media Factory, Ms. Director of the Department of Virtual Reality Katarzyna Kuchmistrz and President of the Institute of Inventics Prof. Piotr Wrzecioniarz.

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People Media Factory from India and representatives of Institute of Inventics in Warsaw.

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On June the 2nd in Legnica, during the conference "From Education to Business - School fromNew", the presentation of awards in the "Best Thesis" competition, organized by the Legnica Special Economic Zone S.A., took place.

We are pleased to announce that among the awarded students was Darshan Surani, one of the recent graduates of Prof. Piotr Wrzecioniarz at Wroclaw University of Technology. Written under the guidance of Mr. Professor, the engineering thesis that won the recognition of the competition's jury has the title "Megatrends in motorization - ecological textile composite material in future electric vehicles".
For the ceremony, Mr. Surani came from Germany, where he is currently working and continuing his studies at RWTH Aachen University.
We congratulate and wish him lots of success.

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Best wishes to all our Partners, Associates and Friends

The team and robots from Institute of Inventics

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Professor Piotr Wrzecioniarz participated in the International Astronautical Congress in Dubai, and EXPO 2020 Dubai. He presented a paper entitled Hyperloop System for Moon. The presentation aroused considerable interest due to the topicality of the subject matter, which is due to the competition between the U.S., China and Russia, and also fits into the concept of exploitation of the moon, due to the rare-earth elements present there. Prof. received proposals for cooperation with American centers.
During the conference he also participated in talks on space exploration by Polish companies from Wroclaw, which were covered by local newspapers
click for full-size view
The MoU with Oman on joint work with SatRevolution was also signed. In the picture below a representative of the Ministry of Oman, Prof. Piotr Wrzecioniarz and Prof. Grzegorz Wrochna, President of Polish Space Agency, as well as a representative of SatRevolution and the Arab side during the signing of the document.

click for full-size view
Professor had a meeting with Mr. Artur Chmielewski and representatives of companies dealing with space technologies in our part of the world.
Further development of this topic is anticipated.

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We are pleased to announce that prof. Piotr Wrzecioniarz, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Polish transformation, was gratitude for the contribution to the development of the Polish economy and promoting the idea of entrepreneurship. Diploma is signed by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy, Mr. Janusz Piechocinski and President of the National Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Andrzej Arendarski.

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7th Vibrant Gujarat Summit 11-13.01.2015
Professor Piotr Wrzecioniarz participates in the largest economic summit in Asia, organized by the governs of Gujarat State in India. The meeting brings together over 2500 participants. Among the invited guests are John Kerry - US Secretary of State and Janusz Piechociński - Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy of Poland. More information about VG2015 you can find here.
Once again, the Institute of Inventics shows up in the country of the most numerous democracy in the world.

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September the 5-th european competition of martian jeeps "European Rover Challenge" was started for the very first time in Poland. Event took place in Podzamcze Chęcińskie near city of Kielce.
Event was accompanied by a conference devoted to space programs. Professor Wrzecioniarz gave two presentations: "Towards knowledge based economy" and "Robotics competitions.", in which he mentioned about need to use the works on space projects to develop useful applications of everyday life. Dr Robert Zubrin, The President of Mars Society and prof. Scott Hubbard form Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics of University of Stanford, multiannual director of NASA space programs also took part in conference.
Three Gentelmen mentioned above were members of European Rover Challenge Jury and commemorated their meeting with a photo below.

From left: dr Robert Zubrin, Mars Society,
prof. Piotr A. Wrzecioniarz, Instytut Inwentyki,
prof. G. Scott Hubbard, NASA, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics of University of Stanford and Stanford Center of Excellence for Comercial Space Transportation


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Professor Piotr Wrzecioniarz in a conversation with
Mr Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India,
the largest democracy in the world (1.2 billion people).

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Educational sets to learn programming of digital circuits
for schools of Wroclaw.

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The real and artificial intelligence.
Professor Piotr Wrzecioniarz with alumni and graduate students,
members of the Scientific Society of Vehicles and Mobile Robots,
on the background of the First Polish Autonomous Vehicle,
in front of the building C-13 of Wroclaw University of Technology
April the 4th, 2014.

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New academic year in progress. Students and faculty returned to the universities. Also prof. Wrzecioniarz returned to us full of energy and new ideas after meetings with interesting people and robots.
If someone had forgotten how Mr. Professor looks like, we are publishing portrait drawn by a Kawasaki robot:

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Clinic of Robots resumes after the summer holidays!

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Best wishes to all Principals, Teachers and Students
Have a lot of success!

consist people and robots from Institute of Inventics

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LEAGUE OF ROBOTS 2013 is over!
This year competions were the second edition of project, which aims to popularize the idea of modern education, fair competition, activity and action with a passion for new and advanced areas of science and technology of the XXI century.
Here is a list of Winners:
   Primary Schools

  1. Szkoła Podstawowa nr 76
  2. Szkoła Podstawowa nr 61
  3. Szkoła Podstawowa nr 108
   Secondary Schools
  1. Gimnazjum nr 17
  2. Gimnazjum nr 25
  3. Zespół Szkół nr 14
   High Schools
  1. Zespół Szkół Teleinformatycznych i Elektronicznyh
  2. Lotnicze Zakłady Naukowe
  3. Liceum Ogólnokształcące nr X

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The First Polish Autonomous Car

prof. Wrzecioniarz and part of constructors team
gathered around the effect of their work

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2012 is the year of innovations of Institute of Inventics. Many innovative tasks were finalized and many challenging projects have been started.
Here are the main events:

  • At Inaugural Conference "Science and the economy. Academic Entrepreneurship and quality of life.", which took place in February 2012 in the Auditorium of the name of John Paul II Centre of Science and Educational of Wroclaw University of Life Sciences, Piotr A. Wrzecioniarz - president of Institute of Inventics, professor of Wroclaw University of Technology, presented a paper entitled "Academic Entrepreneurship as a response to the challenges of the modern economy."
  • Also in February prof. Wrzecioniarz took part in the conference EduCamp School Wroclaw 2012, where he announced, infront of over a hundred participants from all Poland, a huge robotic competitions played at the end of the year in Wroclaw. Information aroused considerable interest.
  • After the successful implementation of the program “Internship – success for the scientist” program “The crucial intern” was launched. On February the 27-th Piotr Wrzecioniarz for the very first time chaired meetings of the Scientific Council. The faculty representing Wroclaw University of Technology, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw University of Economics and Wroclaw University of Life Sciences awarded several high, several-monthly scholarships for scientists of different degrees from universities from Lower Silesia.
  • On February the 28-th Piotr Wrzecioniarz in the Senate Hall of Wroclaw Medical University gave a lecture entitled "Innovation for Quality of Life. Economic crisis and demographic changes as opportunity for the development of services in the medical sector and health related."
  • In March, a numerous delegation of students, graduate students and employees of Wroclaw University of Technology participated in the competition RobotChallenge played in Vienna. Polish representatives have won 12 medals - Poland turned out to be the strongest team in Europe. Representatives of the Institute Inwentyki discussed the future directions of activity.
  • Within the program conducted jointly with the Department of Education of the Municipality of Wroclaw entitled “Extracurricular activities of robotics in schools of Wroclaw” 32 Robotic Circles in educational institutions have been established and fully equipped - which is a significant result in the world, as we will see shortly.
  • Professor Piotr Wrzecioniarz visited the Stanford University, where he established many contacts, including with scientists working on the project of Mars exploration. From NASA representatives he acquired information that in the richest state of the U.S.A. (California) currently operates 30 robotic circles in schools - so, it is less than in Wroclaw.
  • In April, representatives of the Institute of Inventics were invited to SP No. 76 in Wroclaw, named The First Army of Polish Armed Forces, where the final of The Second Lower Silesian Young Programming Contest were held, in which ten of the best programmers in classes IV-VI of the region presented their works.
  • The First League of Robots was launched in June. The project called League of Robots is, according to our knowledge, the first of its kind in the world. There are different types of games and competitions played mainly in Japan and the U.S.A., as in Europe, both at universities, cultural centers and centers of various scientific, cultural and entertainment events. But they are mostly incidental, sometimes cyclical. League of Robots is the world's first regular activities that organize participants throughout the year, forcing the constant rivalry, shadowing the best, improving own design. League of Robots is a series of games between robotic circles from different schools, modeled on the football competition. Meetings are held each age category in the circular system, results are up to date on the Institute's website, and the final results are announced at the end of the season during a gala. Played and completed in 2012 in Wroclaw League of Robots is the first such system of competition for young roboticists!
  • During the summer holidays, representatives of the Institute of Inventics were engaged in actions under the programs “From a Little School into the Great World”, "Summer School of Explorers" and "Scientific Movement of Small Schools", which covered this year 112 primary schools across Poland (over 7000 participants). Representatives of the Institute Inwentyki were among those directly engaged in activities with children, and they were also among the tutors and the juries, which evaluates the activities of scientific circles.
  • In August a series of conferences for Directors of Schools in Lower Silesia was held. Over 2,000 people took part in it. Professor Piotr Wrzecioniarz, presented the objectives of the program "Robotics in the schools of Lower Silesia" and announced the recruitment for the project. After verification, about 200 schools have been pre-entered into the project.
  • In September, on the XXXII International Competition of Scale Models in Oleśnica, prof. Piotr Wrzecioniarz, in the name of Rector of Wroclaw University of Technology prof. Tadeusz Wieckowski, handed the cup for the most innovative model to Mr. Pavel Szostak from the Czech Republic for the model of a space station.
  • Institute of Inventics continued cooperation in the project “Your knowledge, your company - cast a network of cooperation”, which is currently one of the most interesting projects of academic entrepreneurship in soft areas implemented in Poland and abroad.
  • In November there was the first in Poland stealing of robot! Robot designed by the Institute of Inventics was stolen from one of the schools participating in Wroclaw's League of Robots. This was the first case of theft of a robot in our country.
  • In December prof. Wrzecioniarz participated in a conference at Teacher's College in Wrocław entitled "INNOV@TIVE SCHOOL - Lower Silesian e-School". Professor again proposed the creation of robotic circles in all schools of the region, signed into the program "Robotics in the schools of Lower Silesia". He is also asked the authorities of the region for direct funds for this purpose in 2013, and invited all participants for the Polish Robots Championships on 14.12.2012r.
  • The day of December the 14-th 2012 passed into history of polish robotics. That day the official First Polish Robots Championships was carried out. According to the best knowledge, Championships, which were held in the Hall "Orbit" in Wroclaw was the first official, national championships, which were held not only in our country but all over the Europe.
  • The First Polish Robots Championships were accompanied by the first public transit of The First Polish Autonomous Car, designed by students of the Scientific Society of Vehicles and Mobile Robots from the Institute of Machine Design and Operation of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Wroclaw University of Technology. Ride was filmed by numerous television crews. Professor Piotr Wrzecioniarz mentioned that he was waiting for more than 20 years for a team like that one to realize this idea. At the same time appealed to other universities in the country, as well as schools, to create new competition for the Polish Robots Championships, involving the races of different autonomous vehicles. He expressed hope that in the next year other centers of science and technology will join this initiative.
The year 2012 was the most innovative in the history of the Institute of Inventics.
In 2013 it is planned to extend best projects and to continue commitment of the Institute of Inventics in innovative projects important for the development of the region and the country.

Tomasz Pasiut, M.Sc.
Head of Technical Section

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Piotr Wrzecioniarz returned from Silicon Valley

Professor Piotr A. Wrzecioniarz visited the Stanford University, where he established many contacts, including with scientists working on the project of Mars exploration and became familiar with the most advanced robots in the world ...

→ Read more.

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Last year was very successful for all employees and associates of Institute of Inventics. Let us recall the most important achievements:

  • Piotr A. Wrzecioniarz – president of Institute of Inventics, professor of Wroclaw University of Technology, received in March the highest honor for engineer in Poland: the title of “Golden Engineer”.
  • At the end of June was organised International Conference EDIProD’2011 “Innovation by Design”, which gathered eminent professors and representatives of scientific communities from Poland, Japan, USA, Germany, Great Britain, Sweden and all other countries, where methods and techniques of creative problem solving are developed.
  • In September the Institute of Inventics co-organized the National Conference “Art therapy in social and professional activation of people with risk of exclusion”.
  • Institute of Inventics established cooperation with executors of national program “From a Little School into the Great World”.
  • Since October 2011. the Institute of Inventics along with the city of Wroclaw has launched a large program entitled “Extracurricular activities of robotics in schools of Wroclaw”. Several dozen of Robotic Circles were created so far (bringing together hundreds of participants).
  • During the whole semester program has been growing very intensively. The schools been provided with robotic components and instructions. Conferences were held with the participation of school Directors and Teachers – Supervisors of the Robotic Circles.
  • Institute of Inventics collaborated on the project “Your knowledge, your company - cast a network of cooperation” – it is one of the largest projects of academic entrepreneurship currently carried out in Poland.
  • Piotr Wrzecioniarz presided over the work of the Scientific Council of project “Internship – success for the scientist” co-financed by the European Union under the Operational Programme Human Capital. Several grants were awarded to scientists making transfer of knowledge to the economy. The second edition of this program entitled “The crucial intern” will be implemented in 2012. Developed areas overlap with the development strategy of Lower Silesia region and concern advanced materials, biotechnology, pharmacy, healthy food, IT and environmental protection.
In the year 2012 further involvement of the Institute of Inventics in the projects of high importance for the development of the region and country is expected.

Tomasz Pasiut, M.Sc.
Head of Technical Section

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On December the 1-st 2011, President of the Institute of Inventics, as Professor of Wroclaw University of Technology, participated in the ceremony of conferring the title of Doctor Honoris Causa to Mr José Manuel Barroso - President of the European Commission.

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